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Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 104 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1801-1820.

Monster ID ▼ kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Custom
1292 Mini Demon Mini Demon 117 19,402 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 77,490 74,250 No
1291 Wraith Dead Wraith Dead 121 25,990 Large Undead Undead (Lv 4) 100,530 83,160 No
1290 Skeleton General Skeleton General 139 180,130 Medium Undead Undead (Lv 1) 318,420 400,530 No
1289 Maya Purple Maya Purple 81 77,670 Large Insect Earth (Lv 4) 193,260 97,740 No
1288 Emperium Emperium 90 100 Small Angel Holy (Lv 1) 0 0 No
1287 Soldier Guardian Soldier Guardian 56 15,670 Large Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 30 30 No
1286 Knight Guardian Knight Guardian 86 30,214 Large Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 4) 30 30 No
1285 Archer Guardian Archer Guardian 74 28,634 Large Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 4) 30 30 No
1283 Chimera Chimera 70 26,406 Large Brute Fire (Lv 3) 81,390 70,470 No
1282 Kobold Archer Kobold Archer 108 11,053 Small Demi-Human Fire (Lv 1) 55,980 53,400 No
1281 Sage Worm Sage Worm 70 2,872 Small Brute Neutral (Lv 3) 20,310 18,630 No
1280 Goblin Steamrider Goblin Steamrider 66 2,241 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 2) 18,750 17,070 No
1279 Tri Joint Tri Joint 66 2,530 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 19,680 17,070 No
1278 Stalactic Golem Stalactic Golem 68 2,590 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 4) 19,530 17,850 No
1277 Greatest General Greatest General 55 1,575 Medium Formless Fire (Lv 2) 13,980 12,390 No
1276 Raydric Archer Raydric Archer 82 4,437 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 2) 29,100 27,150 No
1275 Alice Alice 100 9,230 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 3) 41,610 39,480 No
1274 Megalith Megalith 65 2,451 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 4) 18,360 16,680 No
1273 Orc Lady Orc Lady 45 1,520 Medium Demi-Human Earth (Lv 2) 11,070 9,030 No
1272 MVP! Dark Lord Dark Lord 96 1,190,900 Large Demon Undead (Lv 4) 12,856,320 8,370,000 No
Prev. | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | Next

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