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Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 104 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1701-1720.

Monster ID ▲ kRO Name iRO Name Level HP ▼ Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Custom
2833 Elusive Familiar Elusive Familiar 24 2,135 Small Brute Dark (Lv 1) 30,000 68,400 No
2834 Swift False Angel Swift False Angel 105 54,940 Small Angel Holy (Lv 3) 243,750 696,150 No
2835 Solid Fabre Solid Fabre 6 720 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 23,700 29,250 No
2836 Fabre Ringleader Fabre Ringleader 6 360 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 23,700 29,250 No
2837 Furious Explosion Furious Explosion 100 39,065 Small Brute Fire (Lv 3) 208,050 592,200 No
2838 Elusive Evil Druid Elusive Evil Druid 80 25,745 Large Undead Undead (Lv 4) 143,250 344,700 No
2839 Swift Elder Willow Swift Elder Willow 34 2,995 Medium Plant Fire (Lv 2) 38,850 94,500 No
2840 Solid Elder Willow Solid Elder Willow 34 5,990 Medium Plant Fire (Lv 2) 38,850 94,500 No
2841 Echio Ringleader Echio Ringleader 126 158,100 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 4) 545,850 1,574,100 No
2842 Furious Dustiness Furious Dustiness 62 10,130 Small Insect Wind (Lv 2) 86,400 234,000 No
2843 Swift Dryad Swift Dryad 68 18,200 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 4) 102,450 267,750 No
2844 Solid Drosera Solid Drosera 101 108,780 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 1) 243,300 660,150 No
2845 Drops Ringleader Drops Ringleader 2 225 Medium Plant Fire (Lv 1) 22,500 20,250 No
2846 Furious Driller Furious Driller 65 13,595 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 1) 96,300 250,200 No
2847 Elusive Drainliar Elusive Drainliar 47 5,810 Small Brute Dark (Lv 2) 55,500 143,550 No
2848 Swift Dragon Tail Swift Dragon Tail 86 23,400 Medium Insect Wind (Lv 2) 155,250 436,500 No
2849 Solid Draco Solid Draco 114 200,990 Medium Dragon Earth (Lv 1) 350,250 957,600 No
2850 Dolomedes Ringleader Dolomedes Ringleader 132 272,955 Large Insect Water (Lv 3) 502,650 1,530,540 No
2851 Furious Dokebi Furious Dokebi 68 14,100 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 97,650 267,750 No
2852 Elusive Disguise Elusive Disguise 103 69,475 Medium Demon Earth (Lv 4) 249,600 678,150 No
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